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    Home > Manufacturer > Isocom Components 2004 LTD
    Isocom Components 2004 LTD

    Isocom Components 2004 LTD

    - Isocom Components is a leading manufacturer of high performance infrared optoelectronic devices specialising in optocouplers and optoswitches. Since the business was established over 25 years ago Isocom has consistently delivered in excess of there customer's expectations to become one of the most respected brands in the worldwide optoelectronic industry.Expert knowledge and flexible manufacturing processes result in the shortest production lead times in the world for many parts. Product quality and superior customer service is unrivalled and is endorsed by many long-standing customers.
    Datasheet Image Part Number Manufacturers Stock Description View
    TLP620-4X TLP620-4X TLP620-4X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 5.3KV 4CH TRANS 16DIP
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    PS2502-4X PS2502-4X PS2502-4X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 5.3KV 2CH DARL 16DIP
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    ISP844XSM ISP844XSM ISP844XSM Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 5.3KV 4CH TRANS 16SMD
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    PS2505-4X PS2505-4X PS2505-4X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 5.3KV 4CH TRANS 16DIP
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    ISP845X ISP845X ISP845X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 5.3KV 4CH DARL 16DIP
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    ICPLW50LSMT&R ICPLW50LSMT&R ICPLW50LSMT&R Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 5KV 2 CH TRANS S06
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    ICPL0452SMT&R ICPL0452SMT&R ICPL0452SMT&R Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 3.75KV TRANSISTOR
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    ICPL0500SMT&R ICPL0500SMT&R ICPL0500SMT&R Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISO 3.75KV TRANS W/BASE
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    MOC3060X MOC3060X MOC3060X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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    MOC3020XSM MOC3020XSM MOC3020XSM Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6SMD
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    MOC3043X MOC3043X MOC3043X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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    MOC3063X MOC3063X MOC3063X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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    MOC3041X MOC3041X MOC3041X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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    MOC3063XSM MOC3063XSM MOC3063XSM Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6SMD
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    MOC3041XSM MOC3041XSM MOC3041XSM Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6SMD
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    MOC3043XSM MOC3043XSM MOC3043XSM Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6SMD
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    MOC3062X MOC3062X MOC3062X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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    MOC3060XSM MOC3060XSM MOC3060XSM Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6SMD
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    MOC3052X MOC3052X MOC3052X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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    MOC3083X MOC3083X MOC3083X Isocom Components 2004 LTD 5000 OPTOISOLATOR 5.3KV TRIAC 6DIP
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